Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Building of a Skateboard

From Start to finish how I went about creating my Avery Deck

1. I started with inspiration from the Hook-Ups board seen here. 

2.  I tried the possibility of a logo in-capturing one of my nick-names "Grimm" so I cropped the eyes out of the skull and vectored them for the board (a note to the original artist of the skull there were no mentions of copyright in the place where I found it but know I intended no copyright and do not intend to profit from it without your permission)

3.  I started on a concept drawing, followed by trying to vectorize it which turned out to be a failure not in the sense the art wasn't any good, but it was to difficult to make work on the board (what a shame)

4.  I then proceeded to try and create something more directly related to the hookups board and went straight into illustrator with no base sketch work  and quickly put together an idea starting with the legs and working my way around piece by piece until the final product arose.

5.  I then filled in the empty background with a matching Radial Gradient  along with the "Predator Line" theme text and signature on the inner thigh (along with Grimm at the base)

6. Added in my creation, the "Predator Eye" Logo under the "Predator Line" text.

7. Got the board printed and spent an ass of a time trying to get the sticker onto the board itself!

8. Finally got there Thank God.

The Colour Pallet I used for the design came from one of the first pieces of art I ever did of Avery seen here -

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