Monday, April 16, 2012

DMA 455 Final with Hype Framework

The Original Idea was to create some sort of lighting storm type effect where the bolts would flash to the music and fade out as new ones came in.

Step 1:

Gathered and Created Assets
(Lightening Bolt asset I created and tested in the Shape Mapping Project)

Step 2:

Modifying the frequency code and colour pallet

var color:ColorPool = new ColorPool(
    0x3a227a, 0x658697, 0xa45862, 0xffdfe6, 0xfffbff, 0xba94cd

    var yTracker:FunctionTracker = new FunctionTracker(clip, "y", sa.getFrequencyRange, [i*4, i*4+4, -20, 1000]);

Step 3:


Step 4:

Possible Final Landing Page:

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