Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Major League!

I had drawn this sketch about a month or so ago (maybe longer)

But classes kept getting in my way (like always) and I didn't have time to finish it (or draw the other ones that I wanted to...)

BUT! I have finally managed to finish this one now that I have 2 weeks off from classes.

Team Fortress 2 is one of my favorite time killers and while my favorite class is the Pyro lately I've been kicking absolute butt with the Scout and the Sniper.  So I decided that I would try to draw pictures of my character Koraline dressed up as all three classes.  unfortunately as I said before things got in the way so unfortunately I only managed to draw Koraline as a Scout class holding onto my favorite scout bat (the one I absolutely rock with as well.) The Sandman.

EDIT: I ended up making 2 blue team version, one with Koraline's natural red eyes and one with her violet contacts.

Art and Character (c) Myself, please do not use without permission.

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