Friday, November 25, 2011

DMA355 Pong Game Board Styles and Mock Ups

A few different playing surface styles raging from clean and simple to more graphic and retro

Mocked up landing page

 Mocked up game play page

(c) Myself

DMA355 Pong Game Wireframe

Wireframe idea for my DMA355 Advanced Flash class' Red Bull Pong Game.

Tried to keep it simple but not to simple.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pack Mentality Typography Style CD Layout

Done for my DMA233 Typography Class

I didn't think it was possible for a college class to make me hate something I love doing but this did lol.

Normally I love designing CD, Movie and Record Jackets but when I'm not aloud to use anything other than Text and Shapes my mind goes "SHIT WHAT DO WE DO D: LIMITED CREATIVITY DOES NOT COMPUTE!!!!"

But I dragged my flank through it and finally got it "finished" I'll probably end up changing something months down the line but for now FINISHED.

So yep, here it is the Pack Mentality CD cover using only Type and Shapes.

Dunno if you'll really get it but the CD itself is supposed to be a tire and rim like the Record Jacked here -

You watchers should know most of my characters. OR SHOULD *shifty glarey eyes* but you may notice a new one there. J.R is a character I developed in my head years ago but never put to paper as a horns player. J.R cleverly or uncleverly stands for Jack Rabbit

© Myself.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Pack Mentality

Here's an Album Cover I just finished designing as a personal project.

Took quite a few hours to complete but I've had this idea kicking around my head for at least 3 weeks it's probably not only my best album cover but probably my best piece of Digital Art to date.

Though originally it was only going to be a black and white 2D piece it suddenly kept getting more and more detailed and before I knew it I had even turned the canine into a Feral version of Korevus my Husky fursonna.


Monday, August 29, 2011

You Best Stay Laying Down....

"Cause I'm going to leave you with more than a broken heart."

Huge difference from the work in progress huh? I made quite a few changes including the one hugely obvious one. I decided I didn't like the old pose so I found the point at which Sniper Koraline's body from the waist all the way up lined up with Scout Koraline's body from the waits down then re-worked it all to fit and I think it came out awesome.

I get better at colouring with a tablet every time I use one and discover more functional and less time consuming ways to work.

That TF2 kill box was an ass to make XD

Might flip it into a blue version later on like I did with Scout Koraline.

Koraline © Me
Sniper © Valve
Art © Me

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Major League!

I had drawn this sketch about a month or so ago (maybe longer)

But classes kept getting in my way (like always) and I didn't have time to finish it (or draw the other ones that I wanted to...)

BUT! I have finally managed to finish this one now that I have 2 weeks off from classes.

Team Fortress 2 is one of my favorite time killers and while my favorite class is the Pyro lately I've been kicking absolute butt with the Scout and the Sniper.  So I decided that I would try to draw pictures of my character Koraline dressed up as all three classes.  unfortunately as I said before things got in the way so unfortunately I only managed to draw Koraline as a Scout class holding onto my favorite scout bat (the one I absolutely rock with as well.) The Sandman.

EDIT: I ended up making 2 blue team version, one with Koraline's natural red eyes and one with her violet contacts.

Art and Character (c) Myself, please do not use without permission.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Skeletal-K9 Logo

This is the logo I have designed for myself.

(c) Me, Please do not use without permission

Fender Poster Ad

This is an poster ad I designed for Fender as part of a DMA234 assignment to pick a product and make an vertical ad. (the kind you'd find in subway stations and such) this version here is cropped to not contain the area covered by the frame or the bleed area so effectively this is what the poster should look like once in the frame.

(c) Me, Please do not use without permission

Thursday, June 23, 2011

DMA 234 Four Seasons

Another assignment for DMA 234 (Computer Graphics and Imaging)

The Summer photo in the top right is the original photograph, the others are photo manipulations.

The assignment was to go out and photograph a park or forest with no buildings and manipulate it into the 4 seasons.

(c) Me, no use without permission

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Deviant Art Mobile Mock Up

One of two projects for my DMA500 (Digital Media Art - Web Design/Coding)

We were told to pick two websites and design mock ups of mobile versions of them using the aspect ratio of the I-phone (cause my teacher said it was the template he had on hand.)

I picked Deviant Art and Equestria Daily

This is the Mock up of Deviant Art (obviously.)

I haven't finished Equestria Daily yet, that should be up tomorrow or Thursday.

Two versions here one signed out and one signed in.

I basically trimmed the fat and got rid of anything that would be redundant on a mobile version of the sight, odds are if you're mobile it's for the art, not the other crap.

Post Edit:
As Promised. Part 2 of my DMA500 (web design) assignment.

Though a little later than I promised, in all honesty? I FORGOT TO POST IT D: lol
Equestria Daily (c) it's creators
My Little Pony FIM (c) Lauren Faust and Hasbro

(c) Me, Do not use without Permission

Friday, June 10, 2011


Another assignment for DMA234.

~Original Description From FA~

Well you all know Koraline, the gender flip of Korevus
Normally they can only exist in turns but in special cases they can exist at the same time. (I'll have the whole story done eventually I'm just hoping to get the courage to run it past norithics  norithics first)


This was for my DMA 234 class (Computer Graphics and Imaging)
The assignment was to color and shade some line art using a Wacom Tablet (which I have never ever EVER used not ever before taking this class.)

I decided to ask torachan  torachan for permission to color the Christmas gift she drew me of Koraline. She said yes and so I set out to clean the line art (boy that was bloody hard cause I had to get rid of everything that wasn't a necessary line)

Not bad for my first time ever using a tablet, and my first time ever shading.
Also my professor suggested splicing in some texture elements so I did that as well.

Tora's Original Line Art Used With Permission.

My Cleaned Up Version.

My Final Version (For Now. I always like to come back and improve when I have time.)

 All My Layers at Professors Request.
My Colour Pallet at Professors Request.

Line Art (c) Torachan
Koraline and Coloured/Shaded work (c) Me

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Yes. It's All True.

Project for DMA234DB

Specs -
Assignment #1: Collage
Minimum of: 10 Layers
5 Adjustment Layers
3 Masks (Layer or Vector)

The idea started out from a picture I found of Rainbow Dash and Spit Fire (seen in the center of the project)

(This is the original rough idea I put together before moving on to the final version)

I am a huge Rainbow Dash fan for a load of reasons that I won't bore you all with, suffice to say as much as I like Spit Fire, I don't really ship the RxS relationship.

 (This is the second draft of the concept)

So my idea was to create a scene of all the ponies who have all been shipped at some point by some artist with rainbow dash each having there own take on the situation.  An inquisitive Rarity, a jealous Apple Jack, a depressed Pinkie Pie, a raging mad Twilight Sparkle, a sinister a rather evil looking flutter shy, and of course a little Ditzy Doo floating around the backdrop haha.

(This is the final version of the project.......or maybe it's not <.< might decide to add the ever cool Soarin eating his pie.)

Credit to the artists-
Whoever vectored Pinkie Pie (I'm sorry I don't know who you are, I'll add your name when I find out)
Whoever vectored Pinkie's Inanimate Friends (I'm sorry I don;t know who you are either.... I'll add your name as well when I find out)
The artist of the original Rainbow Dash x Spit Fire picture (will add your name when I find it out)

RusselH For creating the vectors of PonyVille and Sugar Cube Corner 

And since the rest of the images were taken from episodes special credit to Lauren Faust and her team for creating one of the greatest shows ever to air.  You started a revolution Lauren, you made us believe Friendship is Magic. *Bro-Hoof*

 (My layers panel at the request of my Prof.)

(c) Me please ask before use :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Guitar Designs

I originally created these designs a while back for the "Ibanez Design a Jem Contest" sponcered by Steve Vai and Ibanez.

After the disgraceful ending to that contest I pretty much lost my interest in owning a Jem and having been converting the designs for use on the Stratocaster I'm building.

debating between Zig Zag, Snake Eye and modifying Avery to look more like the Zig Zag Design

ALL these designs are (c) Myself and NOT to be used without permission!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Korevus' Head

We're working on a flash project for the next 2 weeks at school where we have to create a character running, so far I've drawn Korevus' head and I'm rather pleased with it, even after recycling parts of other art into this one.

and I did use reference. I pretty much always do even though I know I shouldn't rely on it.

Korevus and Art (c) Myself. and not to be used without permission.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Post-It-Note Girl

A girl drawn on 6 Post-It-Notes.

Part of a class lesson today
We drew a stick figure skeleton, then I overlaid post it notes and drew her.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sarah ‘Lightpaws’ Berents

Part of an art trade with a loyal watcher over on Furaffinity.

Original Description Copy Pasted from Furaffinity.

- I've had this trade with direwolf505  direwolf505 That needed to be done for little over a year now. Got so swamped with school and things happening in my life I hardly had time to do the art I HAD to do let alone the art I wanted to do.

But here she is Dire, your Sarah ‘Lightpaws’ Berents done to the best specs I could based on your text ref sheet.

Hopefully I did her right!

Also because I took so long I know our trade was for B&W but I coloured it AND you are the recipient of my first shaded digital work (seriously I've never shaded a digital work before)

Sarah ‘Lightpaws’ Berents © direwolf505  direwolf505
Art © Me

(c) Myself and not to be used without permission.
Sarah 'Lightpaws' Berents is (c) Direwolf505 and not to be used without his permission.