Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Deviant Art Mobile Mock Up

One of two projects for my DMA500 (Digital Media Art - Web Design/Coding)

We were told to pick two websites and design mock ups of mobile versions of them using the aspect ratio of the I-phone (cause my teacher said it was the template he had on hand.)

I picked Deviant Art and Equestria Daily

This is the Mock up of Deviant Art (obviously.)

I haven't finished Equestria Daily yet, that should be up tomorrow or Thursday.

Two versions here one signed out and one signed in.

I basically trimmed the fat and got rid of anything that would be redundant on a mobile version of the sight, odds are if you're mobile it's for the art, not the other crap.

Post Edit:
As Promised. Part 2 of my DMA500 (web design) assignment.

Though a little later than I promised, in all honesty? I FORGOT TO POST IT D: lol
Equestria Daily (c) it's creators
My Little Pony FIM (c) Lauren Faust and Hasbro

(c) Me, Do not use without Permission

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