Thursday, June 23, 2011

DMA 234 Four Seasons

Another assignment for DMA 234 (Computer Graphics and Imaging)

The Summer photo in the top right is the original photograph, the others are photo manipulations.

The assignment was to go out and photograph a park or forest with no buildings and manipulate it into the 4 seasons.

(c) Me, no use without permission

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Deviant Art Mobile Mock Up

One of two projects for my DMA500 (Digital Media Art - Web Design/Coding)

We were told to pick two websites and design mock ups of mobile versions of them using the aspect ratio of the I-phone (cause my teacher said it was the template he had on hand.)

I picked Deviant Art and Equestria Daily

This is the Mock up of Deviant Art (obviously.)

I haven't finished Equestria Daily yet, that should be up tomorrow or Thursday.

Two versions here one signed out and one signed in.

I basically trimmed the fat and got rid of anything that would be redundant on a mobile version of the sight, odds are if you're mobile it's for the art, not the other crap.

Post Edit:
As Promised. Part 2 of my DMA500 (web design) assignment.

Though a little later than I promised, in all honesty? I FORGOT TO POST IT D: lol
Equestria Daily (c) it's creators
My Little Pony FIM (c) Lauren Faust and Hasbro

(c) Me, Do not use without Permission

Friday, June 10, 2011


Another assignment for DMA234.

~Original Description From FA~

Well you all know Koraline, the gender flip of Korevus
Normally they can only exist in turns but in special cases they can exist at the same time. (I'll have the whole story done eventually I'm just hoping to get the courage to run it past norithics  norithics first)


This was for my DMA 234 class (Computer Graphics and Imaging)
The assignment was to color and shade some line art using a Wacom Tablet (which I have never ever EVER used not ever before taking this class.)

I decided to ask torachan  torachan for permission to color the Christmas gift she drew me of Koraline. She said yes and so I set out to clean the line art (boy that was bloody hard cause I had to get rid of everything that wasn't a necessary line)

Not bad for my first time ever using a tablet, and my first time ever shading.
Also my professor suggested splicing in some texture elements so I did that as well.

Tora's Original Line Art Used With Permission.

My Cleaned Up Version.

My Final Version (For Now. I always like to come back and improve when I have time.)

 All My Layers at Professors Request.
My Colour Pallet at Professors Request.

Line Art (c) Torachan
Koraline and Coloured/Shaded work (c) Me