Wednesday, September 22, 2010

DMA 179 Bunny Assignment

 So this is my DMA 179 Bunny Assignment I desided I wanted to finish it before I posted it (I hate leaving art half done)

Here is the description I posted  on my community art site page

"In sketching class on Monday we were asked to draw bunnies and I decided to redraw my beach bunny pic like I wanted to for so long, in class unfortunately all I finished was the head and shoulders so I decided to finish it off before posting it on my (mandatory) Sketching Blog

I also happened to come up with a little bit of back story on Judy

Judith Talini (Judy Tailz) is a colour shifting bunny who's sensational ability made her quite the camouflage expert in her troop, Judy left the military before seeing any action due to spending so much time using her camouflage to hide and train as a spy she developed a wariness of people, rarely speaking and disliking to be stared at by unfamiliar faces. Judy returned home to stay with her sister Victoria Maybell (divorced parents) but kept her love of the military green she was so used to seeing."

Judith Talini (Judy Tailz) © Me
Art © Me

(c) Myself and not to be used without permission.

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