Sunday, September 26, 2010

DMA 179 Red Riding Hood

I did my Little Red Assignment as a sort of typical Rhyming Fairy Tail but with some funny twists lol

~Little Red Riding Hood~

In a forest not so far away

A little girl rode merely on her way

Little Red on her bike

Bringing aid to her Granny who was ill beyond the like

Riding along smoke she did smell

Fire and burning meat like the bowls of hell

Riding into the clearing what she did see

Were 3 little pigs scared as can be

A house of straw and a house of sticks

And behind some trees a house of bricks

No longer a blaze but smoldering for certain

The 3 little pigs were sitting gagged with a curtain

From behind a tree a wolf did leap

A frightened Red did not make a peep

I saved these 3 from their houses a blaze

"A hero I am" pulling red from her daze

"Oh so you saved them and covered there mouths"

The pigs shaking there head frightened evacuating their bowls

"Yes that'd be me"

"A fire fighting wolf is indeed what you see"

Red nodded with approval and spoke with glee

"Take care of those pigs, I'm afraid I must flee"

"I must get these goodies to my dear Granny"

Red rode off leaving the pigs to there slayer

But the wolf had a new plan and Red Riding Hood was the player

He let the pigs go and was gone in a puff

Arriving at Granny's house all in a huff

Breaking inside and dawning a disguise

Red riding hood appeared and noticed his eyes

"My Granny what big eyes you have"

"The better to see you with dear, now quit being so suave"

Eating Little Red with the swiftest of swoops

All in one bite will surely make for painful poops

When the 3 bears arrived in all the confusion

They slew the wolf, freed Red Riding Hood and you'd think that's the conclusion

But the 3 bears recognized the little rider's freckled spots

She was really none other than Goldy Locks

Into the bears house she wandered by mistake

They still remembered the pourage she did take

"Oh darn the wrong house again!" Red did exclaim

"This is all that wolf fault he is to blame!"

When in through the window to save the day

Was Red's Granny to everyone's dismay

The fairy godmother indeed was she

Flying Red away off to safety

Granny then ask "What were you thinking my dear?"

Red then replied "It's a long story I'll tell you next year."

~The End~

 (c) Myself and not to be used without permission.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

DMA 179 Bunny Assignment

 So this is my DMA 179 Bunny Assignment I desided I wanted to finish it before I posted it (I hate leaving art half done)

Here is the description I posted  on my community art site page

"In sketching class on Monday we were asked to draw bunnies and I decided to redraw my beach bunny pic like I wanted to for so long, in class unfortunately all I finished was the head and shoulders so I decided to finish it off before posting it on my (mandatory) Sketching Blog

I also happened to come up with a little bit of back story on Judy

Judith Talini (Judy Tailz) is a colour shifting bunny who's sensational ability made her quite the camouflage expert in her troop, Judy left the military before seeing any action due to spending so much time using her camouflage to hide and train as a spy she developed a wariness of people, rarely speaking and disliking to be stared at by unfamiliar faces. Judy returned home to stay with her sister Victoria Maybell (divorced parents) but kept her love of the military green she was so used to seeing."

Judith Talini (Judy Tailz) © Me
Art © Me

(c) Myself and not to be used without permission.