Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Yes. It's All True.

Project for DMA234DB

Specs -
Assignment #1: Collage
Minimum of: 10 Layers
5 Adjustment Layers
3 Masks (Layer or Vector)

The idea started out from a picture I found of Rainbow Dash and Spit Fire (seen in the center of the project)

(This is the original rough idea I put together before moving on to the final version)

I am a huge Rainbow Dash fan for a load of reasons that I won't bore you all with, suffice to say as much as I like Spit Fire, I don't really ship the RxS relationship.

 (This is the second draft of the concept)

So my idea was to create a scene of all the ponies who have all been shipped at some point by some artist with rainbow dash each having there own take on the situation.  An inquisitive Rarity, a jealous Apple Jack, a depressed Pinkie Pie, a raging mad Twilight Sparkle, a sinister a rather evil looking flutter shy, and of course a little Ditzy Doo floating around the backdrop haha.

(This is the final version of the project.......or maybe it's not <.< might decide to add the ever cool Soarin eating his pie.)

Credit to the artists-
Whoever vectored Pinkie Pie (I'm sorry I don't know who you are, I'll add your name when I find out)
Whoever vectored Pinkie's Inanimate Friends (I'm sorry I don;t know who you are either.... I'll add your name as well when I find out)
The artist of the original Rainbow Dash x Spit Fire picture (will add your name when I find it out)

RusselH For creating the vectors of PonyVille and Sugar Cube Corner 

And since the rest of the images were taken from episodes special credit to Lauren Faust and her team for creating one of the greatest shows ever to air.  You started a revolution Lauren, you made us believe Friendship is Magic. *Bro-Hoof*

 (My layers panel at the request of my Prof.)

(c) Me please ask before use :)