Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sketch Book Assignment 6 - Jon Burgerman

I looked into Jon Burgerman a bit and to sum up his style I'd say it was extremely colourful and abstract in most cases, being huge mish-mashes of characters and odd faces.

Certain Pieces like these 2 here heavily remind me of Craig McCracken who created Power Puff Girls and Fosters Home for Imaginary friends.  The styles to me seem very similar and both contain a certain wacky factor.

Unfortunately I was unable to be inspired by Mr.Burgerman while he had pieces that caught my eye and reminded me of similar art it didn't bring out anything new from my mind or any ideas I felt like putting to paper.  BUT what it did do was remind me of one of the paintings I had done (also here in a blog post) so I went hunting for my original sketch (god it took me forever to find) which I...for lack of a better word "misplaced."  and now that I found it I've scanned it and posted it bellow and you can see why it sort of reminds me of Burgerman's art.  It doesn't contain the same colourful characters but it is the same basic idea, a mish-mash of awesome stuff.

(c) Myself and not to be used without permission

DMA101DB 3D Assignment Part 2

Finished my second 3D scene.

Like with everything I do in these classes I only wish I had more time to do them perfectly and learn more about the tools before being thrown in to use them but I try and pump out a hopefully good result!

(c) Myself and not to be used without permission

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Building of a Skateboard

From Start to finish how I went about creating my Avery Deck

1. I started with inspiration from the Hook-Ups board seen here. 

2.  I tried the possibility of a logo in-capturing one of my nick-names "Grimm" so I cropped the eyes out of the skull and vectored them for the board (a note to the original artist of the skull there were no mentions of copyright in the place where I found it but know I intended no copyright and do not intend to profit from it without your permission)

3.  I started on a concept drawing, followed by trying to vectorize it which turned out to be a failure not in the sense the art wasn't any good, but it was to difficult to make work on the board (what a shame)

4.  I then proceeded to try and create something more directly related to the hookups board and went straight into illustrator with no base sketch work  and quickly put together an idea starting with the legs and working my way around piece by piece until the final product arose.

5.  I then filled in the empty background with a matching Radial Gradient  along with the "Predator Line" theme text and signature on the inner thigh (along with Grimm at the base)

6. Added in my creation, the "Predator Eye" Logo under the "Predator Line" text.

7. Got the board printed and spent an ass of a time trying to get the sticker onto the board itself!

8. Finally got there Thank God.

The Colour Pallet I used for the design came from one of the first pieces of art I ever did of Avery seen here -

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Interactive Game - DMA155DB

Finally got all the files I needed to upload this.

This was an assignment for my college audio class where each "team" or "crew" was tasked with creating the a game like sound scape. "picture listening to someone playing a game while you're back is turned, your audio should tip you off to what's going on"

This scape was created by me and my team of -

Cole Marini (myself)
Karston Wilson
Tori Lyn-Sue
Naomi LeBlanc
and Victoria Pietsch

Took us approximately a total of 6-9 hours to complete, from concept to completion

Bellow is the Cover art and Audio link.
 This work is (c) to the 5 of us.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Perfect 11 Car Garage Meme

This Meme was going around the furry community art site I'm a member of and I decided to fill it out lol.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

DMA204DB - Depth of Field Assignment

Here's my depth of field assignment.  I had a hard time with this one I didn't understand the camera all that well so I'll admit that this probably isn't the greatest.

All Three in Focus 

 Back in focus

 Front in Focus

Middle in Focus

Friday, December 3, 2010

DMA101DB - 3D Assignment Part 1

Finished the first of my Two scenes for Joe.

Not bad right?

Took some noodling to figure out how to get certain shapes in the right places (the round bit on top of the gas pump had me stumped for a good hour.) but I got it in the end (That's what she said?).

Done completely in Adobe Illustrator using the 3D extrude&bevel tool apart from the paw and pump textures.

(c) Myself and not to be used without permission