Friday, January 28, 2011

Post-It-Note Girl

A girl drawn on 6 Post-It-Notes.

Part of a class lesson today
We drew a stick figure skeleton, then I overlaid post it notes and drew her.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sarah ‘Lightpaws’ Berents

Part of an art trade with a loyal watcher over on Furaffinity.

Original Description Copy Pasted from Furaffinity.

- I've had this trade with direwolf505  direwolf505 That needed to be done for little over a year now. Got so swamped with school and things happening in my life I hardly had time to do the art I HAD to do let alone the art I wanted to do.

But here she is Dire, your Sarah ‘Lightpaws’ Berents done to the best specs I could based on your text ref sheet.

Hopefully I did her right!

Also because I took so long I know our trade was for B&W but I coloured it AND you are the recipient of my first shaded digital work (seriously I've never shaded a digital work before)

Sarah ‘Lightpaws’ Berents © direwolf505  direwolf505
Art © Me

(c) Myself and not to be used without permission.
Sarah 'Lightpaws' Berents is (c) Direwolf505 and not to be used without his permission.